CSE 373: Data Structures and Algorithms

Winter 2000

Programming Assignment 1 Due January 21, 2000


Please include your name and student id # on what you turn in.  What you turn in must include a listing of the program, input data, and output data.  As the deadline nears we will provide you with a set of sample input data.


The goal of this programming assignment is to learn some of the basic stack, queue, and linked list functions. 


Write a program that implements a simple stack of integers and a queue of integers.  The program must also implement a single accumulator for storing the results of a pop or dequeue operation.  The program will take as input as input a file containing a list of simple commands.  Every command starts on a new line


The commands are:




new stack of size <number>

Creates a new stack of size <number>, the previous stack is destroyed.

new queue of size <number>

Creates a new queue of size <number>, the previous queue is destroyed.

new linkedlist

Creates a new circular doubly linked list, the previous linked list is destroyed

dump stack

Dump the contents of the current stack include the stack size, top value, and contents between top and bottom.

dump queue

Dump the contents of the current queue from head to tail.

dump linkedlist

Dump the contents of the current linked list from front to back

push <number> | accumulator

Push either the specified <number> or the contents of the accumulator on the current stack if space is available.

top [operator]

If an operator is not specified then copy the top of the stack to the Accumulator, otherwise perform the operation specified between the contents of the Accumulator and the top of the stack.  Valid operators are + - * /.  Think of this as doing

Accumulator = Top,

Accumulator += Top,

Accumulator -= Top,

Accumulator *= Top, or

Accumulator /= Top

pop [operator]

Like Top but also do a pop of the stack.

enqueue tail <number> | accumulator

Insert either the specified <number> or the accumulator to the tail of the queue.

enqueue head <number> | accumulator

Insert either the specified <number> or the accumulator to the head of the queue.

dequeue tail [operator]

Remove the tail of the queue and if an operator is not specified then put it in the accumulator, otherwise perform the operation and put the results in the accumulator.  See Top description for a list of valid operators.

dequeue head [operator]

Like Dequeue tail but removes the head of the queue instead.

tail [operator]

Similar to Dequeue tail but leaves the queue intact.

head [operator]

Similar to Dequeue head but leaves the queue intact.

insert front <number> | accumulator

Insert either the specified <number> or the accumulator to the front of the linked list.

insert back <number> | accumulator

Insert either the specified <number> of the accumulator to the end of the linked list

remove front [operator]

Remove the front of the linked list and if an operator is not specified then put it in the accumulator otherwise perform the operation and put the results in the accumulator.  See Top description for a list of valid operators.

remove back [operator]

Like Remove front but removes the back of the linked list instead

front [operator]

Similar to Remove front but leaves the linked list intact

back [operator]

Similar to Remove back but leaves the linked list intact


Sample input and output




new stack of size 10

new queue of size 10

push 1

enqueue tail 2

push 3

enqueue tail 4

push 5

enqueue head 6


enqueue head accumulator

dequeue tail

push accumulator

dump stack

push 7

dump stack

create stack 100

push 8

push 9

push 10


pop +

dump queue

dump stack

dump of stack of size 10

stack[3] = 4 (top of stack)

stack[2] = 5

stack[1] = 3

stack[0] = 1


dump of stack of size 10

stack[4] = 7 (top of stack)

stack[3] = 4

stack[2] = 5

stack[1] = 3

stack[0] = 1


dump of queue of size 10 head to tail





dump of stack of size 100

stack[3] = 20 (top of stack)

stack[2] = 10

stack[1] = 9

stack[0] = 8



More sample input and output




new stack of size 3


push 1

push 2

push 3

push 4

push 5






stack of size 3 “top” failed, stack empty

stack of size 3 “push 4” failed, stack full

stack of size 3 “push 5” failed, stack full

stack of size 3 “pop” failed, stack empty

stack of size 3 “pop” failed, stack empty




More sample input and output




new queue of size 2



dequeue tail

enqueue tail 1

enqueue tail 2

enqueue tail 3

queue of size 2 “tail” failed, queue empty

queue of size 2 “head” failed, queue empty

queue of size 2 “dequeue tail” failed, queue empty

queue of size 2 “enqueue tail 3” failed, queue full



Extra Credit


Implement the following commands




reverse stack

Reverses all the entries in the stack

reverse queue

Reverses all the entries in the queue

reverse linkedlist

Reverses all the entries in the linked list

copy stack to queue

Copies the contents of the stack to the queue so that top of the stack is at the head of the queue and the bottom of the stack is at the tail of queue

copy stack to linkedlist

Copies the contents of the stack to the linked list so that the top of the stack is at the front of the linked list and the bottom of the stack is at the back of the linked list

copy queue to stack

Copies the contents of the queue to the stack such that the head of the queue is the top of the stack and the tail of the queue is the bottom of the stack.

copy queue to linkedlist

Copies the contents of the queue to the linked list such that the head of the queue is the front of the linked list and the tail of the queue is the back of the linked list

copy linkedlist to stack

Copies the contents of the linked list to the stack such that the front of the linked list is the top of the stack and the back of the linked list is the bottom of the stack

copy linkedlist to queue

Copies the contents of the linked list to the queue such that the front of the linked list is at the head of the queue and the back of the linked list is at the tail of the queue.